Loose ring Bits



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Acavallo Loose Ring Bit Jumpe Alupro, Plastic Bit, Bar Bit
$103.54 * Originally: $115.05 *
Available variants
Beris Leather Bit Snaffle Standard
$106.15 * Originally: $117.94 *
Beris Leather Bit Snaffle Standard
$106.15 * Originally: $117.94 *
Beris Loose Ring Bit with Butterfly Snaffle
$63.67 * Originally: $70.74 *
Beris Loose Ring Bit with Comfort Bar
$63.67 * Originally: $70.74 *
Beris Loose Ring Bit with Konnex Tongue Bow, Straight Bar Bit, 18 mm
$63.66 * Originally: $70.74 *
Available variants
Beris Loose Ring Bit, Double Broken
$84.90 * Originally: $94.34 *
Beris Loose Ring Bit, Single Broken
$79.60 * Originally: $88.44 *
Beris Prime Water Snaffle
$90.23 * Originally: $100.25 *
Beris Water Bridle with Tongue Bow Bar
$63.67 * Originally: $70.74 *

