Product description

HS Sprenger KK-Ultra Bradoon with Stainless Steel Side Parts

  • the all-round talent
  • Mouthpiece adapted to the anatomy of the horse's mouth, mouth and tongue-friendly
  • 45° inclination of the centerpiece enables precise yet gentle action
  • for finer aids and improved contact
  • suitable for all disciplines and training levels, from remonte to top athlete
  • also suitable for ponies as a normal, double-jointed water snaffle


  • sensogan (alloy of copper, manganese and zinc)
  • with stainless steel side parts


  • thickness: 12 mm / 14 mm / 16 mm
  • ring size: 55 mm
  • width: 10,5 cm / 11,5 cm / 12,5 cm / 13,5 cm / 14,5 cm / 15,5 cm
  • double broken
  • 40201 / 40200 / 40224
Product features
Mouthpiece: Double broken
Shape: anatomical
Bit width: 10,5 cm, 11,5 cm, 12,5 cm, 13,5 cm, 14,5 cm, 15,5 cm
Riding Style: Dressur
Gebissstärke: 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm
Material: Sensogan
Bit types: Unterlegtrensen
property: anatomisch
Artikelnummer: FR11951
EAN 4022853203519

HS KK-Ultra Bradoon, Double Broken, with Stainless Steel Side Parts

  • FR11951
From $172.90 *

Net of applicable taxes

double broken
better contact
anatomical shape




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