Tech Stirrups
The assortment ranges from stirrups to riding socks and spurs, with a focus on functionality and performance in every item.
The durable and sustainable materials guarantee longevity, even under the influence of adverse environmental and weather conditions. The stirrups are equipped with a special safety system, which makes it almost impossible not to be able to pull the foot out of the stirrup in case of a fall. A movable strut on the stirrup releases in the case of a fall from the horse, allowing the rider's foot to easily slip out of the stirrup. The mechanism ensures that the strut returns to its original shape afterwards. This innovative system provides first-rate safety stirrups.
Tech Stirrups carries products in a wide variety of designs and colors, allowing each rider to choose their own individual style. Products made of first-class materials and innovative techniques make the company an ideal partner when it comes to equipment for equestrian sports.